
13 Jul

I took this quote from the very end of the latest season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.

Derek: [narrating] “Yes or no. In or out. Up or down. Live or die. Hero or coward. Fight or give in. I’ll say it again to make sure you hear me. The human life is made up of choices. Live or die. That’s the important choice. And it’s not always in our hands.”

But sometimes it is in our hands!

I choose to live! I choose to fight.

I have been struggling but that does not mean I am down for the count.

In order to move forward I must look at what happened or did not happen in the past.  In the past few weeks I :

1. did NOT drink enough water

2. did NOT eat the recommended daily count of fruits and veggies

3. did NOT exercise/move my body ever single day

4. ate TOO much (some of it good, some of it not so good)

5. did NOT take my vitamins

I am sure there are more things I did NOT do or did TOO much of but I am going to cap it off at 5 things on the list.

I choose to live! I choose to fight.

I need a plan.

One day One choice at a time.

I have been reading Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno and I am about to start In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I want to learn more about food and how to properly fuel my body as I get serious about my half marathon training.  While I read and learn, I am going to make small changes.

Things I must do EVER day:

1. drink a TON of water

2. eat one fruit and/or vegetable at every meal and snack

3. go back to  journaling my food ~ I am not counting calories or points – I simply want a record of what I am eating, when, and why. I really want to focus on MINDful eating.

4. take Lucy for a walk every morning and run twice & go to gym twice to end this week.

5. Blog (even short little posts) more often. This blog is my accountability partner.

I choose to live! I choose to fight.  One choice at a time!! What is one choice you will make today for your health and happiness?

*PS: I have totally been in love with Patrick Dempsey when he was a lowly geek on a riding lawn mower.

5 Responses to “Choices”

  1. Trish July 14, 2010 at 12:22 pm #

    Regarding Patrick Dempsey…yea me to!I love Tosca's books! I have them all and use many of her recipes.I know you are gong to do it…oh and as I was reading your post…I remembered I had a dream about you last night! That for some reason you came up here and we ran together…must be because I am really thinking of stepping up my game to run a 5K…not walk it..and YOU inspire me all the time!xoxo

    • jeninRL July 14, 2010 at 12:50 pm #

      Thank you Trish!!and just so you know this brought a tear to my eyes. I am not feeling veryinspirational but I am plugging away. I am glad I inspire you and it maysound cliche but you inspire me as well.Oh wow!! I LOVE your dream! If I ever make it to Maine you are on!xox, jen

  2. honoringhealth July 14, 2010 at 12:57 pm #

    Good for you for taking your power back. That is what this thing is all about.

  3. Jennifer Raymond Colgan July 15, 2010 at 12:32 pm #

    Dude, I'm sorry -but Patrick is MINE.Otherwise, I LOVE this post!!!! You can do it, girl. It IS a choice.

  4. Sugarmagnolia70 July 18, 2010 at 3:35 am #

    Nice! You're right, it's all about choices. You can do it….I need to also!

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