Tag Archives: planning

one day, day one

15 Mar

4 days on track

3 days NOT on track

start over.

This is about par for the course these days. I have spent the last yearorsonotsureexactly going in this or a similar to this pattern.

lather. rinse. repeat.


I have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Last week, I posted my new schedule! I was bound and determined that this time was going to be different. I wanted it to be different! And it was, at least until Friday. I didn’t pack a lunch and one thing led to another led to a weekend of not on track. And by Sunday I was all self-defeatist. It was sort of ugly.

I did something unlike me. I reached out for help. I sent a message to Terry and she bleeped back  right away. After a few back and forths I felt better.  T reminded me to take one day at a time.

Enter the #7daychip

#7daychip is the brainchild of Brad Gansberg. In a nutshell, Brad has started a movement that encourages and supports one day at a time. Making a plan is not exactly working.  I am ready to try one day at a time.

my goals for my #7daychip are simply to everyday:

1. MOVE my ass body

2. Drink Water somehow I got off the water like a camel kick

3. Vitamins I am terrible about taking a daily vitamin.

4. 5 – 7 fruits and vegetables

I am keeping it simple!!



I will keep the training schedule I created as a guide but I will take each day as it comes. Like today, it was a gorgeous day and my schedule calls for today to be a rest day but after a lazy weekend and the sun shining I set out for a walk.  If it weren’t for this chest cold I have coming on and a coughing fit I may have walked longer than 54 minutes.

I still have a running goal – to run the entire 5K at fitbloggin.

After that I want to run a 10K approximately July 4th (I haven’t picked an actual event) and a half marathon August 28th.

But instead of focusing on “training” I am going to focus on moving this body of mine. I am going to push myself to go a little longer each day.

I am going to focus on feeding my body the fuel it needs to stay strong. I am going to focus on giving my body what it needs.

The experiments of Jen continue…stay tuned, it has been a bumpy ride.

On to Day #2

big hugs & much love, jen

it's time to go…

26 Sep

I will get to this in a minute, but first I must ramble in my normal Jen way!

Almost two years ago I walked in to my very first Weight Watchers meeting. That was November 8, 2008. I stopped going to Weight Watchers meetings over a year ago. I liked my meetings but I was going for the socializing aspect and not the actual losing weight thing. I felt like I was wasting time and money that I just didn’t have to waste.

Last summer I finally dropped below the 200 mark and I guess I got a bit cocky. I knew what had to be done to lose the rest of my extra fluff.  Let me be honest, I have not been focusing on losing weight. I have not really lost any weight in the last year. I have maintained but not lost any new weight.  I guess it is good that I have not gained all that I lost but I still am not thrilled with myself. I have lost my focus. I have had a ton of other stuff to focus on and I won’t even bore you with the details.

But, I will tell you this: I AM DONE being in denial! I need to focus and I need to lose weight. My body feels amazingly better since I lost the initial 45 pounds. My body feels stronger than ever. I am now running when I haven’t run since high school and had to stop then because of knee issues but now when I run my knees don’t hurt.

I realize that at 195+ (I don’t know the exact number) I am still at a higher weight than I was before I was pregnant. Well that baby is now 11 years and 3 months olds. I would say 12 years is a long time to still carry baby weight. I don’t remember exactly what I weighed when I first found out I was pregnant but I seem to remember 160.

New goal: Lose the last of the “baby” weight!


I am going back to BASICS: Move more and eat less!

Sounds easy, right?!?

Except, if it was so easy I would have been doing it all along. To be fair to myself, I have been okay in the eating healthy department and okay in the moving/fitness department. Just okay is not good enough but without just okay I would have gained not maintained. I still have to think of all the positives – it’s who I am!

I have to go back to the newness I felt when I first started this whole journey. But I also must keep with me all that I have learned.  AND I have to be completely honest with myself. My portions are out of control and I have been allowing myself “treats” because I deserve them. All my hard work running and working out – doesn’t do much good if I eat too much or the wrong food. What I deserve is to treat my body with respect and feed it properly for what I am expecting out of it.

When I first started this journey, I measured all my food and read all the labels. I also ate a ton of pre-packaged food at first: 100 calorie packs, frozen lean cuisines or the likes. Now, I do not eat the pre-packaged stuff very much at all (hardly ever) and most meals are totally fresh. I have changed the way my family eats and this has not been exactly easy. Initially eating healthy cost a lot more but along this journey I had to learn a lot about budgeting.  The budget has been supersuper tight the last few months but I have found ways to stretch our limited resources. We have a local butcher shop that has great quality chicken and meat at extremely reasonable prices (cheaper than the grocery and better quality) and an awesome produce store that sells really cheap veg (5 pound bags of potatoes for a buck, 3 head of romaine for 2 bucks and other deals like that).  I have been buying only what’s on sale from the grocery store, which has been a lot of pasta (regular white pasta) and rice and canned beans.

As I am writing this I am evaluating how I have been eating. I realize I am eating the right stuff 80% of the time but I have not been watching my portions.  I have not been paying enough attention.


1. EAT 6 fruits/veg each day

2. Drink 100 ounces of water each day

3. Track food each day. I have looked at a few websites for calorie counting and that is just too confusing. I have no idea which site is accurate and of the three I have looked at not one gives me the same daily calorie number. I will not go back to paying for Weight Watchers (not very frugal, huh). I am simply going to keep a little notebook with me at all times and write down everything I eat or drink. Maybe I will figure out the calories at the end of each day and see what my average is after a week.

Fitness basics:

1. 2 (or 3) short runs, 1 long run per week

2. 2 yoga workouts per week

3. daily stretching and post-run icing down

Yes, I have a half marathon in 3 weeks. No, I am not remotely ready. I wasted way too much time this summer being depressed about our financial situation. I wasted way too much time hoping and wishing the heat would break this summer. I did not train properly but I am getting into the swing of training. I will finish my half – it may not be pretty but I will finish it. I have finally found the place where running is my thing – I like it, I may not be all that good at it and I may walk as much as I run, but I really like the way running makes me feel. Especially on those hard, mentally challenging runs – the runs where I want to give in but somehow dig deep enough to finish. I have decided that I will complete a second half marathon, one I will train my booty off for, exactly 6 months after I finish my first.

I know what to do, fitness-wise, but I am LAZY! and I PROCRASTINATE!


I have made the first steps.

While I am getting back to basics I have decided to use two tools to track my progress: the scale and the picture. Every Sunday, I will step on the scale and report the changes. I will also have the husband or the kid take a full body picture every Sunday. I will post both for you to see. This will be my very own Back 2 Basics (B2B) Challenge!!

Starting weight: 242.6 (11/8/2008)

B2B, week 1: 192.6

Change since last week: n/a

Total change: 50 lbs.

*The other part of B2B will be to remember the small things! This week (and every day actually), I am eternally grateful for the friends I have made because I started this journey.

For now, I really want to post so I will update later with a picture!!

Ya’ll have a great day! MUCH LOVE!!

new attitude, new game plan

31 Aug

A bad run will not derail me. A summer of heat and humidity and too many excuses will not derail me. I WILL NOT DERAIL ME!  People, I have a horrible habit of getting all self-defeatist and throwing in the towel the second something is too hard or hurts too much. I admit after yesterday’s running fiasco I was ready to quit. I was sure there was no way I could ever do this whole half marathon thing….and this is precisely the reason I set this goal for myself in the first dang-on place.

I did what a blogger does and I blogged it out! ALL the crappy feelings I had were poured out onto these pages. THANKS for all the wonderful comments from my friends. I came from work and I really did feel the love and support reaching me from the far stretches of Florida, Belgium, Minneapolis and beyond!

Even though I was feeling NOT AWESOME on Sunday, I was able to look ahead and start a “new” plan. I printed out blank calendars for September and October (side note: how the heck is it already September?!?!) and I got out my teacher tools…better know as Sharpies of many colors…and I went to town. I planned out my run days and even the mileage I am aiming for each run day.  I am also redoing week 2 of the hundred pushups challenge and using exercise TV (or my own workout dvds) on certain days.  I planned my training plan and I hope I am prepared for my half marathon. More than that, though, I hope I am ready to really & truly incorporate workouts in my real life.  I posted my plan on my front freezer which I see as soon as I walk in my front door. I see it quite frequently…do you have any idea how often a puppy needs to go out?!?! AND, even better, everyone can see my schedule/plan!

No Plan is perfect!

~~>I have already encountered a couple of problem in my plan.

Problem #1: I did not factor Lucy into the equation. Today for instance, I planned on following a pilates workout using Exercise TV On-Demand but it only took me two minutes to realize I could not concentrate on my breathing while fighting off a crazy puppy.

Solution: I searched online and found this to get me through tonight. I locked myself in my room and did my own thing.  While Lucy is still a pain in the ass puppy, I will have to be creative with workouts. Now that I am back in school, I can workout after school in my classroom using dvds (I just have to be prepared) or I can workout using certain dvds (ones that are me standing mostly, no floor work and not too much jumping around) when I get home.

*problem #2: I hate getting up in the mornings and jumping out of bed to workout. I fail at this every time I attempt it.

Solution:  STOP! I don’t have to wake up at 5:30 (I do however LOVE seeing my wake up text when I do manage to drag by butt out of bed). I CAN wake up at 6, let Lucy out, pee & stretch while she is out, start the coffee, strap on sneakers and walk Lucy. I should have enough time for a shower before I wake the kid and husband up at 7 .  I should be ready to walk out of the house by 7:50 and be at work by 8..oh yeah, that would work!!

And Now, I leave you with cuteness (but don’t be fooled, they are both terrors)!!

Thanks for always having my back!

my menu is my lifeline

29 Aug

My menu is my lifeline. Even when I did not post a menu, know that there was a menu. With my tripod at home all summer (we are all here all the time but the kid and I both have off for the summer so that changes things up) and fresh produce at the farm stands, I have been planning only a few days at a time.

Planning has been the budget-life saver of the summer.

As part of my money-stretching strategy, I have been spending extra time in the kitchen preparing foods for the freezer. I have been using local produce (some even out of my own garden) and local produce = cheap! Prior to my last paycheck in July, we went to a local butcher shop where they have great deals on great quality meat. We stocked up the freezer and pantry (followed sales for dry good and canned goods). I have enough pasta and rice to alternate with potatoes for side dishes and meat to make any-type of meal and already-made-by-me meals that I only need to go to the stores for fresh produce.

I must plan carefully to use what I have and not let anything go to waste. I must plan so that what we have stretches to the next paycheck. This summer was financially rough but we made it WITHOUT using credit cards. I owe a lot of that to planning meals.

This week I go back to school. Wednesday is my first official day, my students come back on Thursday and my daughter starts next Tuesday.  I am actually going to school tomorrow to get some work done before Wednesday.

Back to it!

This week the menu will be super helpful in keeping me sane. I have to actually go to work this week. Plus there are still 3 nights of karate for the kid and a puppy and a big man and and and…ya’ll know the list never ends!

On the Menu:

Sunday: Chorizo/Beef Burgers topped with avocado. Tuna mac and corn on the cob will complete the meal.

Monday: Pork, Potatoes & Cabbage all in one pot

Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner. A family favorite. I will use the remaining chorizo (I won’t use the whole link of chorizo for the burgers) to make a hash with potatoes and crack a couple eggs right on top.

Wednesday: Barley Stew (a freezer meal).

Thursday: Shrimp & Broccoli over Linguini

Friday: Steak Night with potatoes, green veg and side salad.

planning for a busy week

16 May

This Mindful Menu post will be a bit different than other weeks.  Besides planning my dinners I will also be “planning” my workouts.  Menu planning has been a huge part of my success…I am taking my planning to other aspects of healthy living.

Since I started going out of the house for workouts, planning is more important than ever.  Lucky for me, I can take classes at 7:45pm most nights. I get home around 9 but it allows me to have dinner with my family and get my workout.  Last week the kid was sick and home from school so that made the schedule easy. This week, she is all better and raring to go back to karate.

My workout schedule:

Monday: staying after school to run/walk with one (or two) of my students. (I will be walking until I get my orthotics because my arches are not happy with me running right now.) 7:45 Boxing with the insane Irishman.

Tuesday:  7:45 Boxing with the insane Irishman. Possible walk while the kid is at karate.

Wednesday: staying after school to run/walk with one (or two) of my students. 7:45 kickboxing…I am hoping my friend from work comes with me.

Thursday: I am hoping to get a Personal Training appointment for this day but if that does not happen I will take a 7:45 boxing class.

Friday: Rest Day or a Walk/bike ride around the neighborhood.

Saturday:  9:30 Boxing class followed (hopefully) with a long walk with an old friend followed by yard work and house work.

Sunday: Rest Day.

Kid’s Schedule:

Tuesday: Karate 6-7pm

Wednesday: Karate 5-6pm

Thursday: Chess afterschool (pick up at 4)

Friday: Kiddo has field trip to Philadelphia Historic District.


Sunday: Chicken Cacciatore. I use this recipe as a starting point but I do my own thing. I use the immersion blender at the end to pulverize the veg (I take out a scoop of the chunks for husband). The kid will eat anything over spaghetti noodles.

Monday: Breakfast for Dinner. This is a favorite of all of us!!

Tuesday: BLTs and Slaw. Did you see how busy Tuesdays are around this house?!?!

Wednesday: Steak, mashed potatoes and a green veggie. And a big old salad…thinking my first head of romaine should be ready to come out of the garden.

Thursday:  Grilled Pork Chops and Veggies over cous cous.

Friday: Pizza….figure that is easy for a night I have no idea what time my kid will be home.

I am tired just planning for this week. On  top of all this planning that you see here, I also have lessons to plan for the week at school.

mindful menu – week of 2.28.10

28 Feb

Sunday:  Sunday night Spaghetti! We are not Italian but we like our Italian-style Sunday night dinners. One of the my favorite scenes from The Sopranos were the Sunday night dinners! Yes, this Jersey girl LOVES the Sopranos! I love mafia/mob/organized crime movies and shows!

Monday:  Chili-rubbed Pork chops (new recipe from Food Network magazine) with a mexican rice dish (rice with corn, beans, salsa, and enchilada sauce)

Tuesday: Bubbles and Squeak! Big Man is crazing a St. Patty’s meal and I hate ham and cabbage! I like cabbage but not all boiled and soggy…eww! Bubbles & Squeak sounds like the best of both worlds! and I really like the name!

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner!! Another family favorite!! Since it is a karate night (and also a C25K training day for me) breakfast is the perfect option! The kid has requested Cream Chipped Beef – not my fave but I will make it for her!!

Thursday: Pizza CheeseSteaks! I love homemade cheesesteaks! They are quickly becoming a family favorite! The best part is we really like my version better than take-out so we refuse to order cheesesteaks anymore. I know cheesesteaks are not exactly healthy but my version is extremely low in fat (compared to the original) and I use LF cheese (or laughing cow) and LOADS of veggies! Oven fries are a definite part of this meal!! I use potatoes, PAM, salt & pepper! Simple and yummy!

Friday:  Cajun Marinated Shrimp & Steak (Big Man has come around to my way of thinking! We are sharing a nice steak!) with a potato & pepper hash.

Menu planning has become part of my weekend routine. Big Man and I usually sit on Sunday with a cup of coffee and the weekly sales ads. This week, we have a very tight budget! Basically, we need to spend as little as possible. The freezer and the pantry are well stocked so it was not too hard planning-wise. All that is really needed at the grocery is cat & laundry supplies. And of course the trip to the produce store ~ must keep up with loads of veg and fruit!

Menu planning has helped me and my family in so many ways!! If you are not planning, why the heck not?!?! Try it!! Try it right now!! Try it for one week and you will be hooked!! Not sure how to start? Start here at my girl , Jenna’s place!! She has links to all kinds of menu planners. Read through some menus, get some ideas, menu plan for one week then come and tell me how it went!!

much love, Jen

just another manic monday

21 Feb

Manic Monday

Click the link!! You know you want to!! Click and watch the Bangles!! I promise it will make your Monday!!


Current Weight: 194.4
Previous Weight: 196.8 lbs
Weight loss: -2.4 lbs
Weight loss in Feb: -0.2 lbs
Starting Weight: 242.6 lbs
Weight loss total: -48.2 lbs


The week started off with such promise! After snow days and chest colds hampering me I was hopeful that I would get back to consistent working out.  Big Man and I went out of town on Monday to see an awesome concert. I was in the car for over two hours but I think I made up for it with a half hour in the hotel pool and 3 hours of hippie wigglin’ (I don’t know what else you call the dancing one does at a Dead show).  I did not have my Gruve (it is currently broken and I have been slacking on sending it to be fixed but tomorrow it will go to FedEx) but my pedometer racked up 11,000 + steps while I was at the show.

Tuesday morning I woke up to a text from my mother. The kid had been up 3 times to puke! Oh joy! We drove home in very limited visibility due to snow. I spent the day lounging with a very sick kid. I always know she is sick if she is super clingy and if she takes a nap willingly. I swear the kid thinks naps are evil!

Wednesday I woke up and got ready for work like normal. I left the kid sleeping with daddy on duty. I drive 3 miles to get to work! In the time it took me to drive to work, mind you it is 3 miles away, I was feeling nauseous and overheated! I got into school ans lasted about 20 minutes before I was sent home. As I was walking to my car, the bus arrived. Don’tcha know I slipped on damn ice and went down quick and hard! Did I mention I did this in front of a bus of my students?!?!

Thursday and Friday I was feeling better and made it to work. I wasn’t 100% but well enough to be in school. Fridays at my school are workplace readiness days. We don’t necessarily teach academics. One of new classes started this Friday and I am super super excited about this class. I am teaching a Girls Essential Skills/Self-Esteem Building/Fitness Class.  Our first day was awesome!! We started some self-esteem building exercises. I am looking forward to how this works.

I did have some exciting things happen during this otherwise bleh week of sickies:

  • The class I mentioned above started and went extremely well. The girls are “into” the class! A few of the girls even asked me if I would stay with them after school to work out in the gym (our school is very small so we do not have the gym facilities of a traditional high school)
  • I set my ultimate weight goal this week!! After reading @amerrylife ‘s blog this week where she set an awesome super big goal , I decided that I also wanted to lose a total of 100 pounds. I have been himming and hawing about what my ultimate goal will be! I think my vagueness has only hindered me. 100 is a nice even number and I am almost half way there!
  • I decided to sign up for the FitBloggin’ New Balance 5K! TO RUN this 5K! I am not a runner but I want to challenge myself to try this!! My goal for this 5K is to just finish the dang thing and run half! I started the Couch to 5K training program today.
  • I was named Teacher of the Year for my school

I am looking forward to the week ahead! I have new workout goals!

  • couch to 5K training with @FitinmyHeart, @damanlovett, @JeepJenn, @priorfatgirl, and @amerrylife [IF you are training with me and I didn’t list you please hit me up in comments ~ I want to make a list (with links) for all me fellow SLOGGERS in training!!
  • Start Bob Greene training with @fitinmyheart [this is a dvd with an 8 week total body makeover plan] Monday (tomorrow) will be week 1, day 1.

I will also work on:

  • drinking 8 glasses of water every day
  • remembering to take vitamins every day
  • stretching every night before bed!
  • track! track! track!!

Oh life is good!! I am feeling better! The family seems to be over the sickies! I am ready to take on the world!! At least, for the next week!

much love, Jen

Week in Review

24 Jan

Starting weight: 242.6

Last week’s weight: 198

This week’s weight: 193.6

This week’s change: -4.4

Total change:  -49.0

Before I tell you about my week, I have to reflect a bit about the number on the scale. I am not ruled by the number on the scale but it is a piece of the puzzle or game. Losing weight is just like putting a puzzle together – each person must create their own puzzle. I am working hard to find the pieces that best fit my puzzle. Part of the puzzle is the number on the scale and part of the puzzle is measurements. I finally took new measurements and there were actual changes between November and now. I have heard every option for how often to measure and I am not sure how often I will measure but probably not every week. Do you measure? How often?

Another piece of my puzzle has been setting reasonable goals. I admit I have not always been the best goal-setter.  I usually just kind of bulldoze my way through. No real planning just one day at a time. I joined two challenges this year (Perfect 10 and Rethink Your Shrink) that have been helping me set small reasonable and attainable goals.

My BIG goals are outlined in my week 3, Perfect 10 update. You can also find a list of last week’s workouts.

My smaller goals, I will discuss here:

1.  drink 80 oz of water daily I am great about this Monday – Friday. I don’t know why since I barely drink any water during the school day. 5/7

2. take multi vitamin and glucosamine every day I am horrible about this but I am getting better. 5/7

3. make time for workout As you can see if you check out my Perfect 10 update, I worked out a lot last week. I was a bit lazy the last two days but I am very happy with the progress I have made in the workout area. I look forward to working out even if I bitch about it before hand. I love that @ShrinkingJeans leads Biggest Loser commercial break workouts. I love how sweaty I get Walking at Home or on the treadmill. I love that my arms are starting to feel “tight” and I LOVE that I am getting stronger and tighter! I will continue to workout because I finally get it! I really LOVE that I found a workout I LOVE!!

Another piece of the puzzle is FOOD! Ya’ll know how much I love food. All food!! Good food, good-for-you food, healthy food, and just plain junk food. I have learned that some foods have no place in my healthy life plan and I know there are foods that if they were off limits I would rebel and binge on. No foods are off limit. Moderation. I have learned menu planning is essential to my weight & wallet management. I am planning healthy meals full of lean meats and yummy vegetables. I also allow treats and occasional “cheat” days but I don’t call them that. I have always managed to stay within my points and now that I am adding all the workouts in I am ok with some higher points splurge days.

Another piece of the puzzle is accountability! I NEED lots of accountability!! I tried ditching my meetings and just using WW online….I lost and gained the same 5 pounds the entire 4 months. I went back to my meetings and did a little better but then Christmas came and we went away and I did not track and I gained back a few pounds. I found a group of Moms on the same journey.  #Mamavation is an awesome motivational community of moms in various stages of the healthy journey.  The mamavation ladies are all just so sweet and supportive!

Now, on the other side of the coin I found the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans…how could I not check out a group of chicks with a blog titled that?!?! and they are a riot – super supportive & encouraging and not afraid to YELL at me to get my ass moving! I love how sarcastic, snarky and down right brutal their love can be – they are the best!

I join all kinds of challenges! Challenges keep the whole  journey new. I am not always the best challenge participant. Not  the challenge’s fault…but I lack follow through some times. I get all excited but don’t always finish what I start. I am currently involved in two challenges: Perfect 10 and Rething Your Shrink. I liked these two challenges and since the principals behind the challenges were so similar I felt (and still do) comfortable participating in both challenges.

Twitter is the best motivation!! I tweet to inspire and motivate as well as be inspired and be motivated! My twitter peeps are my friends. My twitter peeps know all the answers to all the questions I have!! My twitter peeps don’t let me get away with sulking or not working out! I may be addicted to Twitter but I swear it has huge benefits!

I rambled and rambled! This was a good week – mentally and on the scale. I am finding the perfect balance for me. I am finding what is right and works best for me. This has to be my journey, my way!! I have been traveling on this journey to health for over a year now and it really has been the last 3 weeks that I can honestly say, “I get it!!”

Did I tell you that Twenty Ten is the Year of JEN?!?!

Join me in making 2010 the best year!

mindful menu – week of 1.17.10

17 Jan

I love menu planning. I have played with the best way to menu plan and having a set idea for each day works the best for me. Sometimes we switch up the day that we eat a particular meal – this usually happens when something doesn’t defrost properly or we are just human and want something else! Having a plan is super important!

I am so glad I started menu planning and even happier that @chivetalker started me out! Jenna has the best menu plans and menu planning friends. I link up every week and I always check out the other plans. You should try it too!!

Sunday – Crock Pot Beef Stew

Monday – Cheesesteaks, oven fries, and health salad

Tuesday – Italian Crock Pot chicken. Tuesdays nights the kid has karate from 6-7 and the crockpot is a lifesaver!! We eat a nice healthy meal before karate and no one has to rush to get dinner on the table by 5. I was looking for a new chicken crock pot recipe when the husband called to me from the kitchen to tell me he found a packet. He found a McCormick seasoning packet for Italian Crock Pot Chicken – chicken parts, mushrooms, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, and chicken broth and seasoning packet.  I am going add chunks of zucchini and yellow squash and probably serve the whole thing over pasta.

Wednesday – Big Man Chili. This is one of those recipes that I don’t even want to know! It is loaded with whatever peppers Big Man can get his hands on.  I usually do not eat too much of this since it is hot but I do love it!! I am just sensitive!! {I hear Biz laughing at me as she reads this!!} I decided  that baked potatoes would be the perfect addition. I will have my chili right on top!

Thursday – Chicken & Green Beans Stirfry

Friday – Pork Tenderloin with homemade German sauer kraut and mashed potatoes.

Now, that I have the menu planned I can make a list for the grocery and produce stores. I start my plan by taking a quick inventory of the pantry and freezer so the grocery list is not a huge one (unless the sales ad has lots of goodies) and we will hit the produce stand tomorrow and again later in the week.  Tomorrow I will also be making a WW zero-point soup so I need to get lots of extra veggies.  We will have the soup with dinner instead of salads this week. I need a switch up from the salads!!

Are you menu planning yet?

Fumbling Towards Fitness: 2010 ~ Fitness or Bust!

4 Jan

I have told you before but I need to say it again:

I have no idea what I am doing! I am not an expert on anything but I know I need fitness in my life.

I have tried many activities this past year but I have not really had any sort of consistency. Consistency is almost the most important part for me to make fitness a daily part of my life.

Wanna know what the most important part for me is?


Yep, its planning!

I have learned that if I don’t have a plan I fall apart. I need to have a plan and that plan has to be written down. This year I fell in love with menu planning and have since learned all the wonderful benefits to planning my meals. I am currently only planning dinners but I am going to be expanding that. Planning my meals has helped my stress about dinner and has kept my family healthy and has also helped keep the budget in check. Every Saturday I look at the grocery store sales ads and take stock of the pantry and freezer. A menu is planned and grocery list is written.

Why have I not applied this to other areas of my life?

Good question!! and one I have been asking myself all week.

Wanna know what I did the other day?!?!

I am gonna tell you anyway! 😛

Using Microsoft Word I created my own Calendar template and then made a January Work Out calendar, January household chore chart, and a Jen chore chart. I am a lazy person by nature! and I am easily distracted and I procrastinate way too much and while I have not been diagnosed I must be ADD. Last year, this list would have been an excuse but not this year!! This year I am know enough about myself and I have learned ways to combat “my evil ways” to be successful. I will be adding on to all the knowledge I picked up in 2009. I have learned I need direction and a set plan or I fall apart. I can’t just say ” I will workout tomorrow morning.” I need to say, “I will do KB squats and upper body.” I have learned that I need to be specific. I need to tell myself what to do and when to do it!! I need to pull rank on myself! I can tell my kid, my husband, and my students what they need to do. I even give some of them step by step instructions

I started thinking about this and came up with the solution of using a calendar. Much like planning a weekly menu plan I created a monthly workout plan. Saturday will be the first day of my weekly schedule. Saturdays are my Weight Watchers meeting and it seems logical to start my week then.

Saturday: 40 minutes on treadmill (TM)
Sunday: REST day [but also family day]
Monday: KB workout and RB workout and a 10 minute yoga or pilates workout.
Tuesday: workout dvd or 40 minutes on TM plus a LONG strecth.
Wednesday: KB workout and RB workout and a 10 minute yoga or pilates workout.
Thursday: workout dvd or 40 minutes on TM plus a LONG strecth.
Friday: KB workout and RB workout and a 10 minute yoga or pilates workout.

Check out my calendar: jan WO calendar.pdf

I am planning on working out in the morning! This means I have to get my a$$ out of bed by 5:30 at the latest! I will workout for approximately one hour each work day! I have left the weekends more free so that I can find activities to do as a family such as hiking and biking on nicer days!

I know I will feel better for getting my workout finished in the morning! I know I will not make excuses if I get my workout finished in the morning.

Blogging about this plan here with you makes me feel like I have to come back next week to tell you how I made out.

I have a plan!

Planning is the key to my success!!

Are you fumbIing with your workouts?
I urge you to come up with a plan and follow that plan for one month! I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to make something a habit.

I don’t know about you, but I desperately want to make exercise a habit!

Will you give me one month?

I will report back to you next week.

**This post can also be found at bookieboo.com